Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Designer What?!

It's been quite some time since my last blog post, so I thought some of you might care to be updated on the happenings of the Minnich household.

Life is good and we have many blessings to count. Today I'm going to discuss what I'm doing in my professional career. I am loving what I'm doing with Emily Kai, designer accessories line. Many people don't know, but Emily Kai is a local accessories line designed out of Fort Wayne and sold in boutiques all across the USA. They have an office and keep growing by the day as far as new accounts.

Emily Kai started out trying some home parties but after looking at the big picture and where they needed to go towards their business plan, they went the boutique route. That's where I come into play,  as the Account Manager. I scope out new boutiques for our accessories and try to get our items in their boutique. Then comes the follow up and account management. It's right up my alley and I absolutely love what I'm doing!

If you have any good boutique leads for me/connections please let me know. I appreciate any leads you may have for me.

You can check out Emily Kai products online at www.emilykai.com

God Bless each of you for caring about this journey!

Peace & Blessings,
